I am committed to the process of change
I rarely set resolutions for the new year. Occasionally I have silently thought that if it isn't too difficult and I have enough time maybe I should possibly consider eventually getting around to perhaps making some sort of positive change like getting in shape or something like that. That approach hasn't worked out very well for me.
Change is a process that first requires a firm commitment. Taking the first step by resolving to make a change helps promote self-reflection and gives me a moment to assess where I am and where I want to be. This year I have decided to make resolutions based on a feedback tool I learned called start/stop/continue.
There is a saying based on Buddhist tradition that says you can't say no until you know what yes is. Before I can stop a particular behavior I need to know what will be replacing it. What are the positive things I want in my life that will fill the void of what I am tying to stop doing? It is also important for me to identify what practices I want to continue that have proven to be valuable.
Change is never easy but I commit today to stay engaged in that process. To help facilitate that I would like to share some of my current resolutions so that I can be accountable to myself and others.
Start: I will practice authenticity by being open and sharing my emotions with others. I have a tendency to hold in what I feel or judge myself for feeling a particular way (I discussed this in greater detail here: http://canffirmations.blogspot.com/2012/12/all-inno-bluffs.html )
Stop: I have a bad habit of engaging in negative self-talk. I am my own worst critic and when I allow internal dialogue to undermine my best self I sabotage my ability to make healthy changes.
Continue: I have been making efforts to be more transparent and vulnerable. This blog for example has pushed me to be painfully honest with myself and how I share my experiences with others. It stretches me in very uncomfortable ways but I have seen how it is benefiting me and I want to keep pushing into the places where I have need for growth.
What are you willing to commit to? Feel free to use the comments to share any resolutions you have and to give or receive encouragement from others.