Saturday, March 30, 2013

Do my best (Guest Post - Makenna)

Today I welcome the first of several guest contributors that will be making an appearance here. I think it is useful to see how affirmations are used and sound when coming from a variety of different perspectives and experiences.  I am grateful for the willingness of these posters to share what affirms them.  Each voice helps to support me on my journey and I value the vulnerability and courage they show.  It inspires me to walk my own path with authenticity. 

You will be able to find all of the contributions from guests gathered together under the guest post page.  I welcome anyone who would also like to make a contribution with your own affirmation to contact me here or I can be reached by email at

This first post was written by my daughter.  The typing is mine, but the words, phrasing, and editing is all her own.

It's okay, I can do my best

March 11th I came home from 1st grade to my dad and showed him my grade on school.  I was sad that my class didn't get all 4's like I did.  And I said that it doesn't matter if you get all 4's on your grades.  And to just do your best.  It kind of feels scary in 2nd grade that I won't understand the new things that are in 2nd grade.  And in 2nd grade I will tell myself to just do my best.  To follow the rules and listen, be nice, play with other people and be nice to each other.  

Makenna C.
Age 6
March 30, 2013


  1. Oh, I love this! "Be nice to each other." Something that works well no matter how old you are.


    1. Thank you for the blog post Stephanie -- Makenna

  2. Great wisdom at such a young age! Doing your best is always good enough....don't ever forget that and thanks for reminding the rest of us!

  3. We all need to learn to play better with others and be nice. So very true.

  4. Thank you for sharing your affirmation with us, Makenna. You bring up a very good point that I know I often forget is important. Thanks for reminding me that my best is good enough!

    1. Thank you for saying that Ruth. I love it. -- Makenna

  5. Makenna, You are very brave, even though 2nd grade will be a little scary, to just keep trying your best. I know you will learn all you need to know and have a wonderful year. Doing those things that are a little scary makes us grow and in growing we become braver; just like you. Love you, Grandma and Grandpa Canfield

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Amanda, thank you for commenting Makenna has enjoyed reading each of them. I accidentally deleted your message when my big fat fingers attempted to navigate the comments page on my phone's browser. Sorry!

    1. Clair, thanks for letting me know. I'm glad she got to see it, I wanted her to know she had been heard.

  8. Makenna, last Monday I got a grade on a test that wasn't as good as I wanted, then I heard your words in my head reminding me to "just do your best." I realized I had done my best and I could be okay with that. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for the blog post Amanda. -- Makenna
