Friday, December 28, 2012

A shovel today, or an icepick tomorrow.

I am doing what is needed today

I won't complain about the much needed snow that has been falling recently, but I can't say shoveling the driveway once or 37 times a day is my favorite thing to do.  With constant snow yesterday and lots of errands that required frequent coming and going, I shoveled the driveway multiple times.  I keep doing it because each time I have to shovel I am reminded of the consequences of putting it off. 

The first big snow storm a week or two ago happened while I was already out and about.  When I arrived home it was dark and I decided to just park the car and shovel the next day.  The wheels packed down the snow where I drove into the car port and turned to ice overnight.  I don't have salt to put down for melting it so even though it is weeks later I am still running into thick lines of ice that run the length of the driveway.  Whenever I am trying to clear off fresh snow and I run into the ice the shovel catches and I nearly fall on my face.  I try to chip away a bit of it each time I have to shovel again but it is slow and difficult to get off with a plastic snow shovel.  

How often do I mortgage tomorrow for an easier today?  If I continually put off what is needed I leave things far worse for myself further down the road.  Procrastination in any form weighs me down and if continued will eventually threaten to wash over me like an avalanche.  I always have a reason or rationale for not doing it, or refusing to make a choice about something and delaying what I need to do indefinitely.  In those situations I am avoiding reality or attempting to dodge consequences.  I do not need to do everything, but when I find myself coming up with excuses it is time for me to reflect on the reasons why.  I can face whatever fears may be hidden there and move forward on my path. 


  1. The lazy man works the hardest. Aaron & I tease each other about that on a regular basis! It's TRUE!

    1. That has stuck with me over the past week. "The lazy man works the hardest," has motivated me several times with things I wanted to put off. Thanks!

  2. I always appreciate a good life analogy. This is a good one!
