Monday, February 18, 2013

Fog lights

I gain needed perspective through consultation with those I trust

When I find myself facing problems or situations that poke at the wounded places where I still have the scars of doubt, fear and shame it makes it difficult for me to see things clearly.  In the past 24 hours I have had around 5 conversations with several people close to me where the issue of perspective has been a key problem.

Not long ago there was a stretch of unusual weather that included freezing rain (see my previous post ) and a stretch of several days with heavy fog.  As long as the roads are dry I have been riding my motorcycle to work, it's a little cold at times but not nearly cold enough to chill my enthusiasm for riding.  One day I did not finish up until later in the evening and as I started home I ran into a heavy bank of fog.  The moisture from my breath inside the helmet and the cold damp air hitting my visor created a layer of frost on both the inside and outside of my visor.  The fog was also severely restricting my vision and I had to slow down significantly to avoid possible hazards and see where I was going.  Even though I was traveling a road I have been down before it was difficult to tell where I was or where I was going.   

When situations become foggy through stress and thick emotions it can be nearly impossible to see well enough to have a healthy perspective on circumstances.  If I keep moving to quickly through them I might make things worse or crash and burn. 

In the conversations I had today regarding some of my own problems the perspective I gained was invaluable.  Until I talked about what I was experiencing I was looking at things in a very short-sighted way.  Once I expressed myself and then listened to the responses from those I trust enough to share them with, I was able to see the big picture.  Even though I was having difficulty seeing my circumstances clearly I was able to act in the same trusted capacity for a couple of friends facing their own problems.  No unsolicited advice was given, nobody passed judgement, and through the process of consulting with others the fog was lifted for each of us to see things more clearly. 

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