Monday, January 21, 2013


I am fostering healthy relationships

I spent some time tonight connecting with a few of my brothers.  They are not the brothers I am fortunate to be related through blood, they are ones that were forged through bonds of vulnerability, openness, trust and support.  It is a rare and valuable gift to have someone that you can count on when things are good and especially when the road gets rough and your flaws are open for all to see. 

Feeling connection and intimacy is crucial for my well being. Just being around someone does not necessarily fill that need.  I may even find ways that seem to meet my needs temporarily, but ultimately leave me unfulfilled.  Real connection can not be counted by how many friends I have on facebook or the number of times someone "likes" my status updates.

I will seek out and nurture relationships that are healthy and fulfilling.  I will build them on the foundations of vulnerability, trust, honesty, compassion, reciprocation, and love.  Who can accept all of me, even the dark parts of my story?  Who can I be most myself when I am around them? 

1 comment:

  1. I love this because it makes me think about how much better the relationships are when they are real. Where nobody feels the need to pretend anything. When people feel free to be who they really are warts and all and feel accepted and not judged. I appreciate people who are real and authentic. They help me be more real & authentic. It is so healthy to surround yourself with people you can be "most yourself" around!
