Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Compliments Please

I am focused on internal rewards

My eldest daughter has often been an inspiration, encourager and even contributor to this blog. I was excited and proud when she wanted to be a guest poster. I have kept her updated on how many people have read her affirmation and when she receives comments. We were riding in the car this weekend when she asked me, "How come I only get one compliment on my blog?"

I let her know that I often do not get comments on my posts either and that not everybody who reads it and likes it will always leave a message. She seemed disappointed. I related. 

I thought about how often I obsess over page counts, and that just a few days prior I had been in the same position of worrying about not getting any comments on a particularly vulnerable post I had written. Often I find myself stuck (right now for example) over exactly how to write an affirmation. I worry about how it will be received, what people will think of me when they read it. My focus shifts from writing authentically for the goal of supporting my own growth process to looking for external validation. 

It is nice to receive approval or praise from others, but if I always look for validation from the outside I may relinquish my power of self-definition. If I need constant approval for what I do and who I am, I may begin to measure my success and failure by the ever shifting measuring sticks of others. The intrinsic value of doing what is right because it is true and authentic to who I am is the source of my own integrity. I will keep my focus on the internal reward of doing what is consistent with my true self.  


  1. So true! I find myself doing/feeling the same way...looking for others to comment and praise what I'm doing, thinking their words will fill me up with whatever it is I can't give myself. I forget that the greatest sense of fulfillment comes when I'm confident and know I'm putting forth my best effort and that that effort is good enough for me.

    Great post Clair, thanks!

    1. My best is always enough yet I require a reminder of that frequently.

      It is funny how I always look for those outside words of approval thinking they will fill that void, even though I know that they never will I keep yearning for them.

  2. Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you are enough, you are truly rich. -Lau Tzu

    Your post reminded me of this quote. I hope this helps fill a void, even if its temporary!

  3. I particularly love the last line of that quote "If you realize that you are enough, you are truly rich."

    Thank you for sharing!
