Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gratitude + Grace =

 I am joyful! 

I believe that joy bubbles up from a confluence of gratitude and grace. It seems to be distinctly different from happiness which originates from what is happening to me. Joy is cultivated within and is not dependent on circumstances. Today I am taking inventory of all that I have to be grateful for. The list even includes trials and tragedies that taught me a lesson or opened my eyes to how important something is. The list does not include how I compare to others, nor is it about how much of something I have that can be counted up.

As I recognize my gifts and see how they have been given to me at just the right time or in just the right way, I see the grace and mercy of my Higher Power at work. I am surrounded by beauty and I can see how I am connected to it. I recognize I have been given a part in an epic story designed for me to reach my ultimate potential. I can then see the purpose and meaning of each experience. Today as grace and gratitude flow together I embrace joyfulness.

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