Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Making of a Masterpiece

 Each day I am practicing hope and persistence

I love the parks in southern Utah.  The raw beauty of the landscape is inspiring to me.  I took this picture with some dear friends on their way from Montana to Texas several years ago.  

Delicate Arch and other wonders of beauty in the area were carved slowly by water and wind over eons. With enough time and pressure towering rock formations can be ground to dust.

The journey of authenticity designed to reach my full potential is lifelong, practiced a day at a time.  I am a work in progress and recognizing that helps me to choose hope and persistence when faced with the enormity of the task. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by the challenges or goals in my life, each day I will take the time given to keep chipping away at my problems and working toward my goals. With hope and persistence I create my masterpiece a day at a time.

The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer -- Army Corps of Engineers Motto