Monday, March 18, 2013

Envisioning a masterpiece

I have a clear vision of my future

If you visit frequently (thank you!) then you may have noticed my posts have been sparse this week.  I have had a few computer issues, but the reason has been more about getting caught up in the day to day crises of living.  I think everyone experiences things that can potentially derail them.  The question is whether I allow it to become a cycle of living one crisis to the next, or if it is just an inevitable, but temporary bump in the road that can teach me.  

While in New York a few years ago I spent the better part of a day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  The sheer volume of history and artwork within those walls is overwhelming.  I was particularly impressed by the sculptures.  How does someone take a massive piece of stone and carve it with such exquisite detail?  What is most incredible to me is the vision that is necessary to see with  complete clarity exactly what the artist wants to create, three dimensionally, and then to remove only what is in the way of that vision.  

I believe that if I want to remain on the path of reaching my full potential I can not approach it haphazardly or uncertain of what I am working towards.  I need to imagine exactly what I hope for.  Envisioning my best self and what it looks like to live an authentic and wholehearted life each day, gives me the proper perspective for dealing with whatever I may encounter. Creating that vision makes it possible to see beyond the crisis of the moment and place what is happening in the bigger picture.  A clear vision also allows me to see what is in the way of reaching my full potential, and what I need to work on in order to realize it.  Today, with a clear vision I can carefully chip away at what stands in the way of the masterpiece within. 

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