Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

I am authentic and vulnerable

I do not like to admit I'm wrong, I hate making mistakes, and I struggle being vulnerable.  Why is that so painful for me to do? 

My answer to that discomfort is to isolate, to run and hide. I have masks that I can put on in any situation.  I do it to protect myself but it does not work for me anymore.  Transparency reveals the true me and allows it to emerge.

We all carry secrets. I think most of us believe that our imperfections and mistakes are somehow much worse than everyone else's and that if anyone knew how could we ever be loved? We create masks and illusions of the great and powerful Oz while our true self gets shoved behind a curtain where it withers. It is simply exhausting trying to always pretend.

Honesty, vulnerability, authenticity and letting go of all the secrets strips away the illusions that I hide behind. I am worthy and lovable in all of my imperfections and when I am courageous in that vulnerability with others it can create true compassion and connection.  I am willing to risk the pain of vulnerability for the exquisite connection that emerges from authenticity. 

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