Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Busyness as vice

I am consciously engaged

Functioning on auto-pilot or killing time will not help me accomplish my goals or avoid unwanted living patterns. When I am engaged in making conscious decisions about my life and actively pursuing my goals it keeps me pointed towards where I want to be. It matters less if I accomplish them but more if I am making choices that keep me moving in the right direction.

Life is not a bunch of things to get checked off a master to-do list. It is also not about just being "busy," because that can just as easily be a type of unconscious living. Sometimes resting, playing, connecting, or just being in the moment is the most important type of conscious living I can be engaged in. I am a human being, not a human doing, and today I am consciously engaged in that process.


  1. My favorite post to date, Clair. I need to remember this.

  2. I love the human being, not human doing thing. That's profound.

  3. Thanks for the comments they are always appreciated.
