Sunday, June 2, 2013

Everyone struggles

When faced with challenges I will not give up

I have found it difficult to post recently. My change and growth process has brought me to a place where I feel a lot of uncertainty and that has had an impact on my ability to write. Although I am actively trying to figure some things out it has felt a bit too vulnerable for me to post with the regularity and openness I have committed to doing here. I am appreciative of those of you who have noticed my absence and have still stuck around. I also have deep gratitude for others who have reached out to offer support or concern. Because of my tendency to withdraw in times of struggle one of the wonderful benefits of writing my affirmations here is that I can no longer slink away quietly without someone noticing. 

Until I find more solid footing in my writing I will be posting a few quotes, thoughts, or things that I have grabbed onto along the way that have helped me. I will also be posting a few guest affirmations and I welcome anyone who would like to add there voice here. If you are interested in sharing please email me at

Today what has helped me was a reminder that everyone struggles. Even though I have admiration and respect for people who struggle with their challenges, when I experience struggles I view them as weakness or failure. It was helpful for me today to see that it is not the struggles that define me but how I choose to respond to them. I may not know how to handle them, but simply not giving up is sometimes the most courageous thing I can do.  

Thanks for your patience and continuing to walk with me along my journey, especially when it gets bumpy. Traveling together is so much nicer!

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