Thursday, July 4, 2013


I am free

I am free
Free to be me
Free to seek happiness
Free to change how I see
Free to choose a path
Free to live wholeheartedly unfettered by the past
Free to reject fear and shame
Free to fight bravely through struggles and pain
Free to let my soul fly to heights yet unknown
Free no matter how far I've wandered, to steer a path back home

Happy Independence day, live life free


  1. Freedom is an amazing gift for the soul. When I'm present in those moments, fully appreciating how free my life is in so many ways, I feel light. It's as if I'm in one of those wonderful dreams where I'm flying.

    Thanks for the reminder Clair. I'm free just as much as I allow myself to be.

  2. A great poem Clair. Independence is a priceless gift. Well worth the price I have to pay at times to defend it and have the freedom to blaze my own trail. Thanks for reminding me that it's worth it.
